On-Site Seed Loading and Restoration
Your first backup is done at your business to save time and to help set up the system. You will receive concierge-level service when you need to have your data restored as we bring it back to your business and help you put it back where it belongs.
Backup at Multiple Locations
Your files are stored at more than one location for both redundancy and higher reliability.
Local Data, Local Management
Data Safe is a locally owned company with local people. Your data is stored locally for fast backups and restoration. When you have data loss, we will quickly bring your data back to your business.
Safe – Data Encryption
Files are stored on our servers in fully encrypted form with military-grade encryption using an encryption key known only to the user.
Your files are backed up daily, automatically. You don’t have to rely on an employee to perform this daily task. We will monitor and let you know when things aren’t backing up!
Fully Compliant
The system utilized by Data Safe has advanced features to protect valuable business data and is fully compliant with HIPAA, SOX, PCI and GLB. Cloud backup is NOT HIPAA compliant.
Daily Monitoring
You are informed every day via email if your backup was successful or not. Additionally, a Data Safe employee monitors your backups every day.
No “Cloud” Data Storage
When your data is stored “in the cloud,” where is it physically stored, really? Cloud storage is simply a word for other people’s computers. Cloud storage is typically not HIPAA compliant. Data Safe has two local datacenters in which your data are stored.
No Bandwidth Throttling
Most online backup services “throttle” your backups to save bandwidth. This means that backup or retrieval of your data can take days, or even weeks or months. Data Safe does not throttle your bandwidth, making your backups and online restoration much faster.